Learning Through Product Development

To Learn new technologies beyond the curriculum and develop real time applications useful for the college and society.


  • To develop self-learning and group learning skills among students.
  • To develop students, disseminate the knowledge among themselves about the technologies and new programming skills they acquired.
  • To train students to develop, maintain & solve real time problems which were helpful for the society.
  • To bridge the gaps between the Curriculum and Industry standards & Practices.Build lifelong learning skills for the students and staff.

Problems in General Teaching learning process

In all the traditional teaching-learning processes the communication will be mostly one-way communication, in which the knowledge flow will one to many (overflown in many cases). The teaching processes done may not be able to build the gap between the curriculum and the industry.

This problem is more in computer science & Engineering as the technological world is developing every day and the technology that we teach right now in the curriculum may be older by a year or above in some cases when we compare it with the current industry trending technologies.

Learning new Technologies (Activity Based Learning or Learning through Product Development)

For technical education, the basic model of a 'teaching-only' institution is inadequate to ensure quality education. In all disciplines of technical education, knowledge is dynamic with new technologies being introduced very frequently. In this scenario, the teachers can't deliver good quality instructions without being tuned to the current developments in the subjects, for which they must constantly update their knowledge.

Nowadays the technology has been improved in such a way that anyone can learn any trending technology and test themselves with one click. So, we want to encourage our students so that they involve in self-learning and make them disseminate what they learn to all their fellow students or to the descendants, such that we can develop an environment in which continuous learning will be imparted.

We were using our R&D cell as a platform to make this happen by using R&D groups where we have three types of groups (Platinum, Gold & Silver) filled with different stages of students. We will pick the students with the following skills.

  • Good Design, Analytical, Programming skills.
  • Able to work in a group.
  • Should be able to work within and beyond college hours.
  • Should have good problem-solving skills.

Based on the performance of the review exam they will be in the Gold or Silver group, once they entered the groups the student will be monitored and given continuous input for making them learn and develop modules of products that we design in the R&D cell. Once the student develops and deploys a module successfully then the student will be promoted to the Platinum group where he/she will be assigned with a group of students to train interns.

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